Monday, March 17, 2014

Who Am I?

Who Am I?  Wow!  What a loaded question.  I am a 30 something wife to my amazing husband of almost 12 years and a mommy to 2 amazing little kids.  My son (7) keeps me on my toes at all times and my little girl (4) is my little dancing ballerina.  I am a music therapist who cannot have created a better job for myself than the one I have working as a music therapist in my own practice (Pathways Music Therapist).  I am a runner.  This is a hard thing for me to say, actually.  When I think of myself as a runner, I laugh inside.  So, as I write that I am a runner, it makes me laugh.  But, as I'm training for my second marathon, I can't deny that, no matter my pace, I am a runner.  I've worked over the years to stop competing with others and compete with myself and also to just enjoy running and forget about my pace (which is not always easy for me).  I'm a competitive person when it comes to almost anything.  Funny fact: I don't like to play board games because I don't like to lose and it's just not fun if I'm not winning.  Yes, even with my children and CandyLand.   Finally, I am a Child of the Amazing God!  Without Him in my life, I would be nothing, I would not have purpose, I would not have hope. 

So, Who Am I? Guess, I'm still trying to figure out who I am in this life.  Join me on the journey as I not only figure out what God has for me, but who I am as a mom, as a runner, as a wife, and as a Child of God.